School Holidays: Examining Childhood, Gender Norms, and Kinship in Children’s Shorter-Term Residential Mobility in Urban Zambia in Children’s Geographies. (First author; with Rebekah Jacob, Steven Cole, Virginia Bond, and Aimee James).
Children’s Roles in Tuberculosis Treatment Regimes: Constructing Childhood and Kinship in Urban Zambia in Medical Anthropology Quarterly. NIH public access
*Winner of the 2014 Steven Polgar Prize
‘ARVs’ as Sickness and Medicine: Examining Children’s Knowledge and Experience in the HIV Era in Urban Zambia in AIDS Care. NIH public access
Beyond On or With: Questioning Power Dynamics and Knowledge Production in Child-Oriented Research Methodology in Childhood.
*Number 1 “Most-Read Article” in Childhood during March and April 2013
Beyond Adherence: Health Care Disparities and the Struggle to Get Screened for Colon Cancer in Qualitative Health Research. (First author; with Emily Steinmetz, Amy McQueen, and Aimee James.)
What Strategies are Appropriate for Monitoring Children Outside of Family Care and Evaluating the Impact of Programs Intended to Serve Them? in Child Abuse & Neglect. (Co-authored with Alastair Ager, Cathy Zimmerman, Kathy Unlu, Richard Rinehart, Beverley Nyberg, Charles Zeanah, Ida Bastiaens, Andre Weldy, Gretchen Bachman, Alexander Blum, Kathleen Strottman.)
Sweeping the Bedroom: Children in Domestic Work in Zambia. Report published by the United Nations Joint Program on Human Trafficking. (Author with Virginia Bond, Sue Clay, Cathy Zimmerman, and Ligia Kiss.)
Children’s Role in Enhanced Case Findings in Zambia in The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. (Co-authored with Virginia Bond, Levi Chilikwela, Musonda Simwinga, Zenobe Reade, and Peter Godfrey-Faussett.)
Review of Letting Them Die: Why HIV/AIDS Intervention Programs Fail by Catherine Campbell in The International Journal of African Historical Studies.
Daily Hassles’ Role in Health Seeking Behavior among Low-income Populations in the American Journal of Health Behavior. (Co-authored with Rebekah Jacob, Lauren Arnold, Allen Greiner, and Aimee James.)
A Case Study Approach to Training Early-Stage Investigators in Transdisciplinary Research in Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering and Science. (Co-authored with Emily Benesh, Laura Lamb, Shahnjayla Connors, Grant Farmer, Katherine Fuh, Katherine Montgomery, Alex Ramsey, Kelle Moley, Graham Colditz, Sarah Gehlert.)
A Systematic Review of Body Fat Distribution and Mortality in Elderly People in Maturitas. (Co-authored with Su-Hsin Chang, Tracey Beason, and Graham Colditz.)